Allah doesnt burden one more than can bear

Allah gives us trials to make us closer to Him. Allah does not burden one more than can bear. Allah loves His servants. We should realize that in every situations we are facing right now, there's a hikmah behind it. Either it is good or bad, there's a reason for it all. Allah does not like to see us in pain. He's always there for us. He gives us a strength to go through our hardship. We are always aksing, "why" has He given us such trials? We have to know that a moment of hardship is an opportunity to earn higher ranks. It is an opportunity to be patience and earn Allah's mercy and blessing and Allah's regard for you. The more the suffering and patience, the more the blessing that is given by Allah. Allah loves those who are seeking His aid, calling out to Him. Allah has planned everything for us. A plan far greater than we can imagine. He is the best of Planners. But what do we do? We forget His commands. We lose sight of His path. So Allah creates a little disturbances in our lives to get us back to Him in His mercy. Whenever we are going through difficult times, we should put our full trust, hope, faith in Allah. Turn towards Him in humility, humbleness and meekness. Allah knows best in all matters.
